
Get your website up to speed.

Your mobile page is
8points and is"低速".

- Google PageSpeed Insights

With the optimization of "ONIMARU"
your mobile pages
Score improved by 88%
First Contentful Paint improved by 24%
and the amount of data transferred reduced by 65%.

- Google PageSpeed Insights


Core Web Vitals

ウェブに関する主な指標の評価: 合格

Largest Contentful Paint(LCP)

指標の評価 : 合格

First Input Delay


Cumulative Layout Shift(CLS)

指標の評価 : 合格



Core Web Vitals Before after

Comparison of indicators related to Core Web Vitals of the target pages with the optimized site

Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint
Before 39.3 s
After 18.5 s

Total Blocking Time

Total Blocking Time
Before 2,080 ms
After 4,450 ms

Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift
Before 1.284
After 0.214




Performance Before After

First Contentful Paint

First Contentful Paint
Before 4.4 s
After 3.3 s

Speed Index

Speed Index
Before 15.6 s
After 11.3 s

Server Response Time

Time To First Byte Before After

Time To First Byte
Before 855ms
After 679ms

The following graph shows the distribution of server response times of about 290,000 WordPress sites in Japan. Especially, if TTFB is more than 2 seconds for WordPress sites, there may be some problem in server speed or application processing.

Data transfer volume and Number of requests

# Transfer Volume Number of requests
Original site
Optimized Site
2.802MB( -5.307MB)
69( -109)

Finding issues in the balance of key indicators

If the speed index on the right side is low, the server may have many issues, and if the rendering index on the left side is low, the server may have many issues with resources and rendering, such as images.

Key Improvement Items and Results

The following is a list of items that were highly effective in improving "ONIMARU" among the "Items that can be improved" in "PageSpeed Insights". It is recommended that you take action from the items with the highest improvement effect by referring to these results.

# Original site (time that can be reduced) Optimized site (time that can be reduced)
効率的な画像フォーマット 14.400s 1.500s
860 % improvement
適切なサイズの画像 2.250s 0.300s
650 % improvement
JavaScript の最小化 1.650s 0.300s
450 % improvement

Leave the speeding up to AI!

It is very difficult to constantly implement all the measures listed in the improvement items for every page.
WEXAL® Page Speed Technology, a web acceleration engine, and David, a strategic AI, automatically perform optimal acceleration for each page, allowing you to focus on content and measures.


Please contact us for a free consultation regarding the introduction of WEXAL®.

Free consultation on introduction

Free of charge for individual and verification use.

Try "WEXAL®" for free

Focus on Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals have been added to the search ranking index since June 2021.

Since Core Web Vitals is also a measure of web user experience, responding to it will lead to improved user experience, and improved user experience will lead to improved conversions, such as PV and turnover.

Therefore, this is an important change that is "directly related to revenue," especially for sites that generate revenue through media and advertising.